Chengli and the Silk Road Caravan
My book
Chengli and the Silk Road Caravan was published in 2011 by Tanglewood Press. It is the
winner of the 2012–2013 APALA Award for Literature—Children's Literature Category.
In March 2013 I gave two audio interviews to

Chengli’s story is set in China during the early 600s, when the fabled trade route was at its height. Caravans with hundreds of pack animals traveled in both directions carrying precious cargo to and from the cities along the route. When danger struck Chengli’ s caravan and a royal princess was kidnapped, events forced the boy to find courage, skills, and wisdom beyond his wildest dream. The setting for this adventure is real and based on my own journey along this ancient route. The people, of course, are real only in my imagination.
Here is what one reviewer—from Egypt—said about the book through
Library Media Connection:
Judyth Lessee, Librarian
Schutz American School, Alexandria, Egypt
The Chengli story was inspired by an actual trip we took along ancient trade routes.
To see photos from the trip, click here or on the wall hanging photo.